Spring 2025 Graduate Courses
All of our courses can be taken by non matriculated students for Fitchburg State credit for professional development, re-certification or future transfer into one of our programs. Each course is worth 3 graduate credits. Professional Development courses are $750.00 per course. The SEI Endorsement course is $850.00.
EDLM8012 Law, Ethics and Policies for the Educator
Zoom: January 9, 23, Feb 6, 27
Canvas Weeks: January 16, 30, Feb 13
EDUC7500 Curriculum Design and Implementation for Multi-Needs Populations
One Zoom Session on January 15. All other sessions asynchronous on Canvas with biweekly due dates.
Required Text:
SPED7035 Psychology of Learning
One Zoom Session on January 15. All other sessions asynchronous on Canvas with biweekly due dates.
Required Text:
SPED7650 Inclusion of Students with Disabilities
Zoom: January 29, Feb 12, 26, March 26, April 9
Canvas: February 5, March 12
Required Texts:
Eredics, Nicole. (2018). Inclusion in Action: practical strategies to modify your curriculum. Baltimore, MD: Paul H Brookes Publishing Company.
McLesky, James, Maheady, Lawrence, Billingsley, Bonnie, Brownell, Mary T., Lewis, Timothy. (2019). High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms. New York, NY: Routledge.
Villa, Richard, Thousand, Jacqueline, and Nevin, Ann. (2009). Co-Teaching at a Glance. National Professional Resources Inc. (order from Amazon.com or National Professional Resources, Inc. Item # CTGL) ISBN: 978-193403273-2)
EDUC8134 Effective Teaching of Informational Text
EDUC7057 Intro to Effective Literacy Strategies Across the Disciplines
(class transcripts two different ways depending on your level of license)
Zoom: Mondays, February 3, 10, 24, March 3, 24, April 7, 14 5-9PM
Required Text:
Teaching Reading in the Content Areas by Vickie Urquhart and Dana Frazee, 3RD Edition
(Will not run again until Fall 2025)
READTBD Science of Reading Part I
Zoom: January 21, 28, February 11, March 11, 18
Canvas: February 4, March 4
Required Texts/Materials:
Phonogram Drill Cards
(will not run again until Fall 2025)
EDUC7099 Sheltered English Immersion Endorsement Class
Zoom: Tuesdays, March 25, April 1, 8, 29, May 6, 13, 20,June 3, 10, 17
Plus asynchronous work on Canvas
Zoom Sessions Scheduled: 5-9PM
(will not run again until Fall 2025)
EDUC7179: The Effective Use of Educational Technology in 21st Century Schools
Canvas Class: Start Date January 11 There will be a 20-30 minute Zoom session at 9AM to introduce the class. The remainder of class is asynchronous on Canvas and this course runs through April 19
EDUC7136 Supporting Diverse Learners Through Equity and Social Justice
Canvas Class: January 25 There will be a 20-30 minute Zoom session at 9AM to introduce the class. The remainder of class is asynchronous on Canvas through March 22
Required Text:
SMK Seminar:
Intro Session: January 30. The SMK Seminar will run monthly through June 30. Dates will be set by your advisor after the intro session based on convenient dates for all parties.
Session begins at 5PM.
(will not begin again until June 2025-December 2025)